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Rural Financial Counselling Service Program
Our Approach
RFCS NSW believes in a holistic approach to business. Our Primary Producer Philosophy informs our service delivery model and reflects our belief that to have a successful, financially self-sufficient business there needs to be alignment between the business, the business owner, the family and the business support network. This philosophy reflects our belief that business planning is key to success. The RFCS NSW’s four pillars of business success are:
- the business
- the business owner
- the family and
- the business support network.
In each of the pillars we look at the clients’ circumstances, what it means to be successful, and how we can help to achieve that success through building competencies and developing good network relationships.

Success is determined by the client and can include:

- Negotiating with Creditors and accessing support so that the client can trade out of financial hardship and achieve debt relief
- Running a successful farm or related enterprise to build wealth and reduce the risk of financial hardship
- Dignified exits from the industry
- Achieving viable family succession of the farming or commercial small business
- The client feeling less stressed
- Increasing client business management capability
How we can help
Our experienced counsellors can assist you in navigating the complex financial landscape of rural living. Our counsellors have a deep understanding of the unique challenges facing rural communities and are equipped to provide tailored, confidential and professional advice on a range of issues, including debt relief, budgeting, business planning, and accessing government assistance.
If you are a primary producer or a related enterprise our counsellors are here to support you in finding financial stability and security. They will listen to your concerns and work with you to develop practical solutions to help you achieve your goals.
Understand your financials
A lack of financial knowledge can lead to bad business decisions. If you’re unsure about your farm’s financial position, undertaking a business review can help you gain a clearer understanding, especially if your business has an increased financial risk.
How we can help
RFCS NSW can conduct a thorough review of your business to help you better understand your current financial situation and the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.
We can help you:
- Develop a better understanding of your business’s finances
- Begin to formulate options which may improve your financial position
- Help you come to terms with your situation and feel more in control of your future.
Build a business plan
A business plan offers a road map for your business. It can help you see the bigger picture, make better decisions and farm investment, and improve your overall chances of success.
Despite the many benefits a business plan, some businesses choose to go without one because of the time and effort they seem to take. The reality is, to succeed in farming you need to have a business plan in place.
How we can help
RFCS NSW can help you create a ailored business plan and put steps in place to ensure it is utilised in future business planning.
We can:
- Assist you in developing your business plan
- Connect you with broader professional help such as an accountant or lawyer to provide other expert perspectives.
Farms with structured business plans are better equipped to manage challenges posed by seasonal or environmental conditions and changes in the market. Proactive business planning can help you set clear goals, mitigate your risk, and make better investments. This can help move you from financial distress to a successful, financially self-sufficient business and feel back in control of your future.
Identify areas of risk
In the business of farming, risk is a constant. Whether you know it or not, you’re making risk calculations and employing risk management strategies all the time on your farm. Some risks, like the weather, are more front of mind than others, but there are many different types of risks that are also worth considering.
How we can help
RFCS NSW can aid you in completing an honest assessment of your farm and business processes, to uncover any weak points. Our rural financial counsellors will help you develop your risk management plan and create realistic strategies to combat risk.
We’ll help you:
- Challenge default or traditional thinking (i.e., looking beyond doing things simply because that’s the way it’s always been done)
- Neutralise risk (i.e., stop thinking of risk as negative, or avoiding it altogether)
- Find the right information to develop the right strategies for your farm.
While you won’t be able to eliminate all risks in your business, it’s important that you spend time assessing them and developing strategies to manage those with the potential for greatest impact on your business. By working with us, you’ll gain the confidence to face risk head-on.
Bank reviews and loan applications
Annual business reviews can be a stressful part of owning an agriculture business. If you’re not sure about the information you need to provide, haven’t kept things up-to-date, or you’re worried that things don’t look great, it can make bank reviews even more nerve-wracking.
How we can help
RFCS NSW will give you access to a qualified team of rural financial counsellors with knowledge across banking, agribusiness, and a broad range of other industries. We can guide you through annual reviews or farm loan applications by effectively preparing for them and working through any concerns.
We will:
- Spend time with you before your review or loan application to get to know the details of how your business has been performing
- Prepare explanations for any issues or variances in actuals versus budgets or predications
- Support you to consider and document your business goals, plans and contingencies for dealing with unforeseen changes in circumstance.
When approached with confidence, an annual review is a great opportunity to look forward with your bank or lender and ensure you’ve got the right financial supports in place to achieve your goals. With a bit of preparation, you’ll be sure to get on your bank’s good side – and gain some useful insights for your business along the way.
Cashflow forecasting and budgeting
Cash flow budgeting can help you understand the financial impact of your on-farm decisions. Some farmers believe that seasonal conditions are too variable to rely on cash flow budgeting, but this is exactly why your farm should have a cash flow budget.
How we can help
Our rural financial counsellors are skilled and experienced in agriculture cash flow budgeting and can assist with regular budget updates. We’ll support you to create an accurate budget and better understand your farm’s cash position.
Effective cash flow budgeting will help you improve your decision-making on both a day-to-day and season-to-season basis. With the right tools and assistance, cashflow forecasting and budgeting can be a quick and easy process, giving you real insight into your financial future.
We will help you to:
- Create an accurate cashflow budget
- Better understand your farm’s cash position
- Understand what your best, worst and ‘average’ cash outcomes might be
Farm debt mediation
Farm Debt Mediation (prescribed under the Farm Debt Mediation Act 1994) is a structured negotiation process in which the mediator, as a neutral and independent person, assists the farmer and the creditor to communicate effectively, to resolve matters relating to farm debts, and to formalise that resolution in an agreement.
Mediation is a simple, voluntary and confidential process that is quick, accessible and affordable.
How we can help
RFCS NSW has a comprehensive support network of experienced counsellors to provide support through this complex and often emotional time.
We can:
- Explain the Farm Debt Mediation forms and process
- Help to prepare for mediation including finding the right mediator
- Support you and other business partners to consider options realistically
- Provide you with support and assistance throughout the mediation process including mediation
- Help you with meeting agreed outcomes
The NSW Rural Assistance Authority administers the Farm Debt Mediation Act and will provide information about the Act on request.
Accessing Government support
Accessing rural loans and government assistance can sometimes feel overwhelming. There are a variety of rural finance grants and farm loans available, each with different eligibility requirements. But support is available to help you understand the differences.
How we can help
RFCS NSW supports primary producers to access government farm loans and other assistance for farmers, such as a disaster recovery grant or flood relief payments.
We can:
- Advise what government assistance, rural finance grants or loans you may be eligible for in the short and long term
- Help you understand farm loan interest rates in Australia
- Tell you what documents you need to provide to secure a rural loan or grant
- Help you consider long-term business changes to improve your financial position.
Succession planning
We’ve all heard the horror stories about farm succession planning gone wrong – farms being sold, family members who refuse to speak, heartbreak on all sides. But it can be avoided.
How we can help
As a trained and independent listener, one of our rural financial counsellors can have those all-important initial discussions with you and your family about succession planning.
We can:
- Help you understand what is involved and how best to navigate the process
- Advise which professionals to engage to help you with your succession plan
- Review the past performance of the enterprise
- Build financial skill sets within the family and road-test options through cash flows and enterprise budgets.
If you haven’t already started planning for succession, then today is the day to start. It’s not too late and it never gets any easier. In fact, it often gets more difficult the longer you wait.
By starting early, you have time to grow your assets not just through capital appreciation but through opportunities, investments and possible acquisitions that give you and your family more choices in the future.
Benchmarking is a useful business tool when implemented properly. It can help you calculate gross margins or be the starting point for developing cash flow budgets and understanding your farm’s profitability.
How we can help
We can help you:
- Compare the sensitivity of profit of enterprises to a change in production and price
- Compare major cropping and livestock input costs
- Assist in assessing business opportunities
- Assess where you are currently, where you want to be and/or what you want to do.
Sometimes, it can be hard to know who to ask for help. Our vast professional network can help you tap into the right expertise for the specific challenges you face.
How we can help
If your rural financial counsellor can’t help you directly, they will refer you to the professional who can. Having a referral from one of our counsellors will help you get the support you need in a timely manner.
We can help you seek broader professional advice and support in areas including:
- Specialist marketing
- Taxation and accounting
- Legal advice.
Understand your financials
A lack of financial knowledge can lead to bad business decisions. If you’re unsure about your farm’s financial position, undertaking a business review can help you gain a clearer understanding, especially if your business has an increased financial risk.
How we can help
RFCS NSW can conduct a thorough review of your business to help you better understand your current financial situation and the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.
We can help you:
- Develop a better understanding of your business’s finances
- Begin to formulate options which may improve your financial position
- Help you come to terms with your situation and feel more in control of your future.
Build a business plan
A business plan offers a road map for your business. It can help you see the bigger picture, make better decisions and farm investment, and improve your overall chances of success.
Despite the many benefits a business plan, some businesses choose to go without one because of the time and effort they seem to take. The reality is, to succeed in farming you need to have a business plan in place.
How we can help
RFCS NSW can help you create a ailored business plan and put steps in place to ensure it is utilised in future business planning.
We can:
- Assist you in developing your business plan
- Connect you with broader professional help such as an accountant or lawyer to provide other expert perspectives.
Farms with structured business plans are better equipped to manage challenges posed by seasonal or environmental conditions and changes in the market. Proactive business planning can help you set clear goals, mitigate your risk, and make better investments. This can help move you from financial distress to a successful, financially self-sufficient business and feel back in control of your future.
Identify areas of risk
In the business of farming, risk is a constant. Whether you know it or not, you’re making risk calculations and employing risk management strategies all the time on your farm. Some risks, like the weather, are more front of mind than others, but there are many different types of risks that are also worth considering.
How we can help
RFCS NSW can aid you in completing an honest assessment of your farm and business processes, to uncover any weak points. Our rural financial counsellors will help you develop your risk management plan and create realistic strategies to combat risk.
We’ll help you:
- Challenge default or traditional thinking (i.e., looking beyond doing things simply because that’s the way it’s always been done)
- Neutralise risk (i.e., stop thinking of risk as negative, or avoiding it altogether)
- Find the right information to develop the right strategies for your farm.
While you won’t be able to eliminate all risks in your business, it’s important that you spend time assessing them and developing strategies to manage those with the potential for greatest impact on your business. By working with us, you’ll gain the confidence to face risk head-on.
Bank reviews and loan applications
Annual business reviews can be a stressful part of owning an agriculture business. If you’re not sure about the information you need to provide, haven’t kept things up-to-date, or you’re worried that things don’t look great, it can make bank reviews even more nerve-wracking.
How we can help
RFCS NSW will give you access to a qualified team of rural financial counsellors with knowledge across banking, agribusiness, and a broad range of other industries. We can guide you through annual reviews or farm loan applications by effectively preparing for them and working through any concerns.
We will:
- Spend time with you before your review or loan application to get to know the details of how your business has been performing
- Prepare explanations for any issues or variances in actuals versus budgets or predications
- Support you to consider and document your business goals, plans and contingencies for dealing with unforeseen changes in circumstance.
When approached with confidence, an annual review is a great opportunity to look forward with your bank or lender and ensure you’ve got the right financial supports in place to achieve your goals. With a bit of preparation, you’ll be sure to get on your bank’s good side – and gain some useful insights for your business along the way.
Cashflow forecasting and budgeting
Cash flow budgeting can help you understand the financial impact of your on-farm decisions. Some farmers believe that seasonal conditions are too variable to rely on cash flow budgeting, but this is exactly why your farm should have a cash flow budget.
How we can help
Our rural financial counsellors are skilled and experienced in agriculture cash flow budgeting and can assist with regular budget updates. We’ll support you to create an accurate budget and better understand your farm’s cash position.
Effective cash flow budgeting will help you improve your decision-making on both a day-to-day and season-to-season basis. With the right tools and assistance, cashflow forecasting and budgeting can be a quick and easy process, giving you real insight into your financial future.
We will help you to:
- Create an accurate cashflow budget
- Better understand your farm’s cash position
- Understand what your best, worst and ‘average’ cash outcomes might be
Farm debt mediation
Farm Debt Mediation (prescribed under the Farm Debt Mediation Act 1994) is a structured negotiation process in which the mediator, as a neutral and independent person, assists the farmer and the creditor to communicate effectively, to resolve matters relating to farm debts, and to formalise that resolution in an agreement.
Mediation is a simple, voluntary and confidential process that is quick, accessible and affordable.
How we can help
RFCS NSW has a comprehensive support network of experienced counsellors to provide support through this complex and often emotional time.
We can:
- Explain the Farm Debt Mediation forms and process
- Help to prepare for mediation including finding the right mediator
- Support you and other business partners to consider options realistically
- Provide you with support and assistance throughout the mediation process including mediation
- Help you with meeting agreed outcomes
The NSW Rural Assistance Authority administers the Farm Debt Mediation Act and will provide information about the Act on request.
Accessing Government support
Accessing rural loans and government assistance can sometimes feel overwhelming. There are a variety of rural finance grants and farm loans available, each with different eligibility requirements. But support is available to help you understand the differences.
How we can help
RFCS NSW supports primary producers to access government farm loans and other assistance for farmers, such as a disaster recovery grant or flood relief payments.
We can:
- Advise what government assistance, rural finance grants or loans you may be eligible for in the short and long term
- Help you understand farm loan interest rates in Australia
- Tell you what documents you need to provide to secure a rural loan or grant
- Help you consider long-term business changes to improve your financial position.
Succession planning
We’ve all heard the horror stories about farm succession planning gone wrong – farms being sold, family members who refuse to speak, heartbreak on all sides. But it can be avoided.
How we can help
As a trained and independent listener, one of our rural financial counsellors can have those all-important initial discussions with you and your family about succession planning.
We can:
- Help you understand what is involved and how best to navigate the process
- Advise which professionals to engage to help you with your succession plan
- Review the past performance of the enterprise
- Build financial skill sets within the family and road-test options through cash flows and enterprise budgets.
If you haven’t already started planning for succession, then today is the day to start. It’s not too late and it never gets any easier. In fact, it often gets more difficult the longer you wait.
By starting early, you have time to grow your assets not just through capital appreciation but through opportunities, investments and possible acquisitions that give you and your family more choices in the future.
Benchmarking is a useful business tool when implemented properly. It can help you calculate gross margins or be the starting point for developing cash flow budgets and understanding your farm’s profitability.
How we can help
We can help you:
- Compare the sensitivity of profit of enterprises to a change in production and price
- Compare major cropping and livestock input costs
- Assist in assessing business opportunities
- Assess where you are currently, where you want to be and/or what you want to do.
Sometimes, it can be hard to know who to ask for help. Our vast professional network can help you tap into the right expertise for the specific challenges you face.
How we can help
If your rural financial counsellor can’t help you directly, they will refer you to the professional who can. Having a referral from one of our counsellors will help you get the support you need in a timely manner.
We can help you seek broader professional advice and support in areas including:
- Specialist marketing
- Taxation and accounting
- Legal advice.
Need help to get through a difficult time? RFCS NSW can help.
Our rural financial counsellors can help you understand your finances and make a clear plan to move forward. Get in touch for free, confidential support today.
What is financial counselling?
Financial counsellors provide guidance and support to people experiencing financial difficulties in their businesses or personal lives. Here’s what you can expect from the process.
How does financial counselling work?
When you see a financial counsellor, they will firstly listen carefully to your personal story to understand the specific financial challenges you are facing, in the short and long term.
The counsellor will then work with you to gain a clearer picture of your financial situation and provide you with different options and strategies, discussing the pros and cons of each. You can use this information to make your own choices about how to best resolve your financial problems.
The counsellor’s goal is to help you deal with your short-term financial situation as well as minimise the risk of future financial problems. Counselling sessions are safe and always confidential.
How could a rural financial counsellor help me?
At Rural Financial Counselling Service NSW, we specialise in rural financial counselling and provide free assistance for primary producers and rural small business owners. We are well versed in the unique challenges that primary producers face and our rural financial counsellors are ready to lend a hand and guide you through the process.

- Succession planning
- Farm budgeting
- Forecasting and cash flow analysis
- Farm debt mediation
- Bank reviews and relationships
- Help refinancing debt
- Access government assistance and rural loans
- Understand farm loan interest rates
- Understand your financials
- Build a business plan
- Identify areas of risk
- Benchmarking
- Referrals
- Debt relief and negotiation
We can help you with immediate needs, such as accessing the right rural finance support for your situation – whether it’s an agriculture loan, small business grant or disaster recovery grant – as well as discuss longer-term financial strategies and provide ongoing assistance with a complete review of your rural business.
Our service is free and independent and is provided within a safe and confidential environment.
We respect your privacy. We do not sell, rent or trade any personal information to or with any third parties. We may disclose your personal information (not financial) to external service providers in the circumstances discussed in our privacy policy.
Farmers, fishers or foresters experiencing or at risk of experiencing financial hardship and located in the RFCS NSW Central or Southern regions.
Rural financial counsellors do not give family, emotional or social counselling or financial advice. If you require these, our rural financial counsellors can refer you to other professional service providers, including accountants, agricultural advisors, education services, and mental health professionals.
What Our Clients Say
Friendly, efficient, knowledgeable and empathetic counsellor. So grateful for her assistance navigating difficult financial issues."
"They have been a great assistance in guiding us through the quite complex application process for the Farm Household Assistance program."
“RFCS NSW has been a positive and transformative experience, they exceeded every expectation with respect, concern and genuine desire to help”
Have always found the RFC that we have been in contact with over many years very helpful listens to our concerns is very knowledgeable and always supportive. Some of the natural disasters we have dealt with on the property leave you feeling fatigued and depressed. Our Rural Financial Counsellor has always been a person to talk with and give advice and has a can do attitude.
"Encouraged pro-active actions, and assisted with strategic business planning and cash flow preparation to enable us to secure the RIC loans and Drought Loans. Also provided valuable assistance, which is giving us more confidence in our negotiations with the bank."
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The Rural Financial Counselling Service Program is funded by the Australian Government and the New South Wales Government and is administered by the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry