Justin Luckel

Justin grew up in southeast Queensland spending time on family members farms and has an extensive agricultural background.

He studied horticulture production at the University of Queensland Gatton College and worked as an agronomist for Northern Queensland Landmark across a variety of different farming enterprises including melons, grapes, mango, grain, maize and legumes in rotation with sugarcane.

He then made the move into an agronomist for a corporate farm that ran sugarcane, soy beans and mung beans before heading to the Atherton Tablelands to be a R&D rep for a fertiliser company.

Justin moved to the Riverina with his partner and two kids and began working as a cropping operation manager for an irrigated grain, canola and corn farm.

He started as a Business Analyst at RFCS NSW at the start of this year, before making the change to an RFC, and is currently studying a Diploma of Agribusiness Management.

LGAs Covered: Edward River, Murray River

Email: justin.luckel@rfcsnsw.org.au

Mobile: 0428 815 766

Role: Rural Financial Counsellor

The Rural Financial Counselling Service Program is funded by the Australian Government and the New South Wales Government and is administered by the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry